After discovering that you can't buy a checklist on Chrome, I was sold the wrong one on Firefox

I wanted the Cessna 340A Checklist and $45 later ($29.99 + $15) I still don’t have it. I have a P210T checklist that I have no need for. I am incredibly disappointed that there’s no email or direct (non-forum) assist for customer service. Any help on getting the right checklist without pouring more $$ down the drain?

Sorry you are having issues. We are not aware of any issues purchasing checklists with Chrome. It is by far the most used browser with our system. If you have found an issue, and know the steps to recreate, we would love to hear about it.

We definitely have a direct support email It is shown from our main website from the Contact Link or scroll to the bottom of the website. It is also referenced where you download the app from the App Stores. I will update your account with the Cessna 340A checklist.

The Cessna 340A should now be in your account. If you are in the web editor make sure to Refresh or logout/login. In the mobile app make sure to click the Quick Sync.