How Best To Support Often Repeated Lists Where Mira Seems Very Linear in Design?

MiraCheck appears to be very linear in its design: Pre-flight » start-up » taxi » takeoff » climb » cruise » descend » approach » land » taxi » park. Done. That’s the way it seems Mira was expected to be used, where someone was going to be going from point A to point B in the most direct fashion.

Unfortunately, I don’t usually go from A to B. I often times go from A to F, come back to C, then B, then E, and maybe back to B again several more times in a row.

For example, what if you’re going to be doing multiple approaches or touch-n-goes for practice?

Or, in another example, a truck driver who stops for fuel several times along his or her coast-to-coast trip. He or she will repeat their tasks to fuel their truck several times before they get from their pickup (“point A”) to their delivery (“point B”), and likely, there are some important steps
when fueling such a large vehicle that make it worth putting them a checklist. And yet, those steps will need to be repeated a few times as he or she makes their way across the country.

I thought about creating separate checklists, but that seems clunky. But it also seems to be the best solution (for this MiraCheck newbie) to a problem I’m having running into linking.

Various lists need to be able to link to “subroutine”-type lists. These are lists the need to be reused throughout the overall life of a checklist (a flight or shipment in the above examples), but then upon their completion, return to the list that called them. But it seems that a “subroutine” list item can only link to one link ID. That means it can only send you back to one predetermined parent list, which may not be the one that sent the user to the child/subroutine list.

What would be the best way to implement these repetitive subroutine lists?

There are many options to pull off non-linear flow.

One as you mention, is to use linking. Linking is implemented similar two how the web works with web pages linking too other web pages. You can link internally in a list Link Internally or externally to other checklists Link Externally. The link I just showed are inline links using Markdown syntax that you can inline directly in your content. You use the Advanced Editor to enter Markdown. The only requirement of linking is to put an ID (from the Advanced panel) on the List, Section or Item you want to link to e.g. internal-link.

Other item types such as Yes / No and Picker can also perform linking and there are Linking Options to do that such as Yes Link ID and No Link ID. Just like a web browser, linking does keep a history, so you can link to one checklist, that can link to another, and then you can click Go Back to follow the chain back. If you use the action goto instead of gotoAndReturn then its will jump you somewhere without putting it in history. This is useful if you have a Yes / No question and just want to skip some items but keep moving on.

Organizing your Lists (tabs) where the content in them is structured as a checklist is another option. You mention you go to A to F, come back to C, then B, then E, back to B. If each List is a self-contained checklist, then you can go through one of them, say List C, and if want to do it another time, you use RESET CURRENT LIST, and it clears the items, and you go again. The tabs allow you to easily two jump to any of them. You can also say GOTO {Listt Name} to jump…so GOTO TAKEOFF.

You mentioned wanting to do practice like touch-and-gos and approaches. The following shows how I do this…
This post shows how to use linking with Picker items. Advanced Linking in a Picker Item using Buttons

You mentioned “That means it can only send you back to one predetermined parent list, which may not be the one that sent the user to the child/subroutine list.” Using Picker Buttons, you can put multiple buttons to jump to more than one predetermined list.

You can also use Value Triggers to dynamically hide and show content. Value Triggers Information

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