Repetitive App update on App Store for 2.0 release

I have upgraded my Mira Check to latest version 2.0, witch is great, but I have been received anoucement from App Store that a new version is available. After reading, I figured out newest version is still 2.0.

My question: is there something wrong with this repetitive notification, or do I really have a new version available that I cannot identify after reading that notification?

Thanks for your support

It is a point release of 2.0. We have released 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3. The latest is Version 2.0.3. The functionality in all is the same, but the point releases addresses bugs and issues. You want to make sure to update to the latest whenever Apple says to update.

Great. Thanks for your support