Importing Simulated Checklist


New user as of yesterday.

Found a simulated checklist for a Husky and would like to import it as a starting point for my personal checklist. Can I do this?

Thanks, Kent

Welcome! I am not exactly understanding your question. We have a robust web editor as well as the ability to import a CSV file of the content. For CSV format you have to be a Standard or Pro subscriber. You can get your content into the system and then Clone it to create your personal checklist from it. You can then to decide what checklist you want to keep private or if you feel the community can benefit, you can share it publicly.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your quick response! I have not explored the web interface so I will pursue that.

Hello Jeff,

Been working with the web interface and imported a csv file. I needed to change the imported checklist so I edited the spreadsheet, exported to a csv but now when I try to import the new csv nothing happens after selecting the file. I deleted the previously imported checklist but nothing is happening on any subsequent import attempts. I’ve logged off and refreshed the browser.

I took a look at the csv files you are trying to import and none of them are the proper format for a csv file. If you export one of our templates it will put it in the proper format. Do you have a clear understanding of the csv format needed?