Adding headings, groups, or subsection within a checklist

Is there a way to create a heading or group withing a checklist? The example I’m currently working on is the before starting engine checklist on a fuel injected plane. Priming the engine involves several steps, and I want to be able to separate that section both logically and visually. Right now it appears disorganized and repetitive.

It goes:

Fuel Pump
Fuel Flow
Fuel Pump

I’d like it to be something like this:

  • Prime
    -Fuel Pump
    -Fuel Flow
    -Fuel Pump
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I finally figured out how to turn on the label-only function, which kind of gets the job done. Would be nice if there were a way to tell Mira to skip the prime engine group (for example).

Here is something I put together that shows a couple of options…

You can download the example from the Home screen in MiraCheck Cloud…

Thanks. I think I’d already figured out those were the two options, and went for the second example. It doesn’t allow me to skip priming altogether, but it’s better than Mira reading the bulleted list without waiting for a verification.

Cool. If you check out the post on linking in MiraCheck, you can create a checkbox or yes/no question that can jump over the prime. For example, Prime? Yes / No

For this to work effectively you probably want to turn on the Preference Always Move Forward, because with it off, it will try to return to this skipped items at the end of a section.