App crashing on Android

App crashes immediately on start up as soon as I’m logged in on Android 13 Black view tab 60. If I reinstall (or clear all data), app works until I try to log in, but the moment I link goose cloud account it crashes and continues to crash as soon as I start it.

Hi pvracko,

thanks for your message.

We tried, but couldn’t recreate the issue you are describing.
I am aware that some Android devices, especially tablets, create problems - mostly due to inconsistent operating systems and/or versioning.

I understand this might not be a satisfying answer, but please understand our situation. Due to limited resources, it is currently not possible for us to maintain every version of every Android device on the market. Our current focus is on growing the iOS application, which serves the vast majority of our customers.

Whenever reasonably possible, we will release updates to Android as well.

Thanks for your understanding.
Happy Landings


Wow! Since I purchased MiraCheck to use with my Google phone and Samsung tablet, this is astonishing news. After working fine, my MiraCheck is also failing to load on on Pixel Phone. If you are abandoning Android support, I think this should be reflected in your Google play entry and website.

Hi @SArrow ,
as you probably saw on the PlayStore there have not been any changes or updates to the app, meaning, basically demonstrating very well the “Android Problem” we are facing: Too many uncontrollable aspects on devices, operating systems etc.
The one thing we don’t like as aviators: situations we cannot control.
Again: we are trying our best, to provide working capabilities to as many users as possible, but Android is not a great environment to maintain.

Regarding your message/issue/compaint
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information on what issue you actually have. When does it occurs and which exact phone (I know some Pixel), which OS version etc.? We couldn’t recreate the issue, the test versions for Android we did, all worked.

But again, as mentioned above:

I am aware that some Android devices, especially tablets, create problems - mostly due to inconsistent operating systems and/or versioning.

I understand this might not be a satisfying answer, but please understand our situation. Due to limited resources, it is currently not possible for us to maintain every version of every Android device on the market. Our current focus is on growing the iOS application, which serves the vast majority of our customers.

As far as I can tell, there is currently no plan to abandoning Android support, but again:

Due to limited resources, it is currently not possible for us to maintain every version of every Android device on the market. Our current focus is on growing the iOS application, which serves the vast majority of our customers.

Whenever reasonably possible, we will release updates to Android as well.

We are happy to look into the issue in detail, but need to know more about it.

Thanks for your understanding.
Happy Landings
