Bad voice recognition

Is there a way to improve the speech recognition? I’ve tried it several times on the ground just testing with the iPhone and it’s really bad. I just tried it with a Bose a20 and still bad. I’m posting a few screenshots of typical occurrences. Is this the same for everyone or am I doing something wrong? Thanks - this thing looks like it has lots of potential! Hoping I can get it working one of these days.

Hi @petegiese,
thanks for trying Goose and sorry to hear about the troubles you have.

Let me try to recreate your issues.
The Bose A20 and A30 usually work extraordinary well.

Give me a few hours and I will try to get back to you later today, tomorrow the very latest!

Happy Landings and thanks for hanging in there

Hey Mirko, Have you had a chance to look at this?

Hi @petegiese
I am still working on that. Can we jump on a 1:1 zoom call?
That would help a lot to better understand the issues - I cant really recreate the issues.

Can you please send me an email to ?