Is it possible to insert the current date and time into labels, comments, etc, such that it updates to reflect the current date and time at the moment when the user reaches that specific item? (Just getting the date and time when the checklist is started or that section is started wouldn’t suffice for what I need.)
Have you seen the History feature? MiraCheck can keep track of every item that you interact with and tags it with a timestamp for when you interacted with it. This is used after the fact for Audit purposes.
I had not, but I have now. Unfortunately, I don’t see where inserting the current date and time into a labels, comments, etc., such that it updates to reflect the current date and time at the moment when the user reaches that specific item. I know that the history feature is able to log this information, but I would love for it to be user-facing as well, not tucked away in the History section.
For example, when I check in somewhere, I want to log the time and start a timer. Then, when I check out (check a certain previous list item) I want to log that time and stop the timer. Finally, later on in the checklist, I want to display in the first label, “Write down the following times,” and in the second label: “In Time: 08/23/20 0942 | Out Time: 08/23/20 1159 | Total Time: 2.28 Hours.”
Is this possible?
The Time Out and Time In is possible.
If you use a Date Time item type for the items it will show the timestamps on the items.
If you tap the clock in the top right, it will show the Time Out and Time In and Elapsed Time.
It supports one Time Out / Time In for the checklist. For more custom capability you would need to learn Value Triggers and some scripting to pull off. With scripting you could do very advanced things like save data in variables, do calculations and change the labels of content dynamically.