Hi all,
I’m wondering if there is a way to set things up so that I can run all of the audio for voice commands through the audio panel instead of just a bluetooth connection directly to the mobile device from the headset?
I would like to be able to hear and speak to Goose for everyone, not just me. That way if I’m flying with someone else they’ll be more aware of what’s going on. I already have my iPad connected to the audio panel (Garmin 350c) via Bluetooth, but it doesn’t seem like the microphone side of things works. Any ideas?
Hi @flyingcheesehead,
thanks for the message!
You are describing the “big” issue already:
Unfortunately, the way I see it at the moment, this is more a panel-side problem rather than a Goose related problem.
IF you are able to take a phone call “through the panel”, this usually means, that the panel allows in and out audio via bluetooth.
Its unlikely but, you might be able to configure the panel as your speaker, but your bluetooth headset as you microphone. I would be surprised if that works out of the box and might require some back and forth. Unfortunately at the moment I dont know about a great solution at the moment, but connecting to the panel is definetly the route we are on as well.
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