Limited Sharing?

I know we can publicly share our custom checklists on MiraCheck, but is there a way to limit it to certain accounts? My example is a flying club which wants to have the club-modified checklists available to the group (some with paid subscriptions; some with free), but have concerns about making them available to pilots in general.

Yes you can share with limited people. On each checklist card there is a Create Share Link action. This will copy a URL to the clipboard you can send to others. They will then receive the checklist. What is cool is if you make updates, they will also receive your updates. They will also have the opportunity to Clone the checklist, which will give them a new one based on that if they want to add their own tweaks.

One thing to note about some with paid subscription and some with free is if the checklist you are sharing uses capabilities above the Free version then it may not work well for them. For example if you use any of the Form Items other than a checkbox, or the new Filter capability.

Thanks, Jeff.

Duh! I really should have looked at the checklist card menu!

Just to clarify. When you send the share link to someone, and they subsequently make a change (vs cloning it), does that change get applied to the original? In other words, are you actually sharing the same master version of the checklist?

To clarify, you are not sharing the master version in a way where they can modify the master. They do not have the ability to edit a shared checklist. When you make updates to the master they will automatically get your updates. If they want to make edits they have to clone it.

I am trying to share my customized Checklist(s) for N18JM with a friend who will be flying my airplane.

When I click on “Create Share Link”, I get a message “You can’t share a CheckMate checklist. Use the Share with Code action to share a CheckMate.”

Then when I click on “Share with Code” and input a code, I get the message “You have successfully created a Share Code xxxxx. Communicate this Share Code to other users and they can use it to replace one of their checklists with the contents of this checklist.”

When my friend starts with any checklist and clicks on the option to “Replace with Code” and enters my Code, he gets the message “This checklist does not have a CheckMate license. Please purchase a checklist with a CheckMate license from the Home or Search page before replacing.”

So do I purchase a license for my Checklist? How does that license get “attached” to my Checklist? Do I need a license for each Checklist?

Or does he purchased a license, and then how does he access my Checklist?

I am confused!

Please Help!!

Note: My Checklist is “Private”, but there is no option to make it “Public”.


MiraCheck supports checklists you create yourself or from the community. These checklists can be shared freely. We also license CheckMate content which seems like what your checklist is. CheckMate content can only be shared if the user you are sharing with also purchases a CheckMate checklist. Purchasing any CheckMate will do because it will be replaced by your content anyway, but there is a specific checklist that they can purchase called a CheckMate License.

One he purchases the checklist, he will use the Replace Checklist function with the code that you created and this should effectively replace his content with your content. If you make updates in the future, he can then decide if he wants two gets the updates by running the Replace Checklist function again.

Thank you for that explanation. I have two checklists for that airplane. One is for the preflight interior and exterior inspection and one is the normal checklist for flight. Will he need two licenses to access both?


Sorry, yes if they are both based on the original CheckMate content. If your preflight is a bit shorter, you could create a new checklist and re-create it. Then it wouldn’t have the CheckMate license associated with it. If you do that you can use the Create Share Link function to share.



Worked just like you said.


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