Linking to section - items disabled

Not so. It’s still jumping to a section in the main checklist. I know I had it linked to the new external checklist I copied over, but I am finding Mira saves stuff and then, from time to time, loses it. This is one of those cases as I remember looking up the syntax for external checklist linking and entering:


Now that entry has gone and the GoTo has reverted to jumping to within the main Cessna 172 checklist. I’ve seen this reversion happen on a number of occasions. I am now repasting the GoTo line above into the spot on the StartUp section where the engine doesn’t start.

EDIT: I must have that code above incorrect as it won’t jump to that checklist - ID could not be found. I tried to follow the examples at How do I use linking in checklist?, but, there is a lack of information on this page for it to completely make sense.