Turn off the intro text

Please allow us to turn off the following speech prompts:

  • The “Hello I am your copilot mira”
  • “checklist [name]”
  • “[name] list”
  • “I am listening”
    While still speaking normally for the rest of the checklist.

The next release will replace “I am listening” with a tone. Also a different tone the she stops listening. Our B2B product does have options for not speaking checklist, lists, sections and items. Will look at porting that over. Will add option to suppress audio when app starts up.


Version 5 will have the ability to toggle audio on/off for all items in the checklist, lists, sections or items. So if you have a List or Section of content you don’t want here to narrate you will be able to do that. You will also be able to toggle the audio on/off for when Mira reads List titles and Section titles, including the suffix she appends when she reads a List or Section - e.g. PREFLIGHT LIST vs. PREFLIGHT, INTERIOR SECTION vs INTERIOR. Finally, you can toggle the welcome audio on/off when you start the app.

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