Unable to remove a device

Android 12, latest update. I would be happy to help troubleshoot if you want me to try to gather any logs or things like that. I am a software developer using c/c++ in Linux.

Thanks! Once we can recreate most likely will send you an apk file to sideload to test.

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raven:/ $ pm list packages --show-versioncode |grep web
package:com.google.android.overlay.googlewebview versionCode:1
package:com.google.android.webview versionCode:500507834

We tested on a Pixel 5 Emulator with Android 12 and there were no issues. Is there anyone else in the forum having issues with the Android app on a Pixel with Android 12?

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Can you try sideloading (Install from Unknown Sources) this APK to see if it fixes your issue?

Note: This is the latest release of MiraCheck, but not all capabilities have been tested or are yet working on Android. It should determine though if your SSL error has been resolved.

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Sweet. That worked great. Thanks for the quick response!
