Hi @petegiese ,
thanks for your question and for flying with Goose! It is great to hear that the checklists are easy going.
With regards to your question: the Goose app inherited almost all functionalities from the predecessor MiraCheck, so every functionality MiraCheck provided in the past works very similar in Goose. Since I don’t know specifically what you need specifically, I would like to point you to a few items.
MiraCheck YouTube Tutorials
- Voice Search of Airport Information (search only for airport codes, not names; e.g. K L A X or kilo lima alpha x-ray)
- Watching Your Flight
- If you want to see more on interactions and patterns, check out the Simulated IFR Flight
Other Forum Articles - also the forum is a great ressource.
Goose YouTube Account
- we are currently working on a tutorial video series on the Goose.TalkToMe YouTube Channel that educates aber every aspect in Goose. The first videos will be added within the next few days and then growing continuously
I hope this could help. If you still have additional questions, please feel free to reply directly below!
We are always eager to learn more on where & how we can make Goose’ functionalities more accessible.
Thanks for becoming a part of our journey and for flying with Goose!
Happy Landings,